A quick update

Dominic Burford
2 min readNov 2, 2020


It’s been a while since I wrote my last article, so apologies for that. I’m sure like many of you, it’s been a very busy time. Since writing my last article, I’ve changed jobs (which I alluded to in my last article[^]

The last few months have been like a whirlwind. I made the tough decision to leave my last job and have been busy settling into my new job. I’ve been here for a couple of months now and thoroughly enjoying it. They’re a software house who create a fully customisable web based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application. The tech stack is as follows:

- Visual Studio (.NET Core, .NET Framework, Web API)
- Git workflow in conjunction with Azure DevOps for source control
- SQL Server
- TeamCity build system
- Octopus deployment system (of which they make extensive use as they deploy to their hosted customers as well as many of their on-premise customers too).

They also use Jira when planning their work requirements and for defect tracking.

They build all their own internal tools (such as tools for managing their hosted / on-premise customers). This is where I come in. My role is responsible for building these internal tools. My first project has been to build an application that is capable of synchronising customer licences with their hosted licensing system (another internal tool).

It’s been challenging settling in as many of the team work remotely (either entirely or partly). So getting to know the team and form those all important relationships has not been easy. This will be the same for anyone starting a new role so is certainly not unique to my own circumstances. That said, the team have all been very welcoming and have made every effort to answer my questions when I’ve had them.

With the next lockdown now imminent, I will be working from home myself very soon. I’ve setup the small spare room (which previously was my man-cave) into an office (complete with desk and chair). If I’m going to work from home, I may as well do it properly.

So I have lots of new things to learn, and lots of new challenges ahead (and lots of future aticles to write). Hopefully it won’t be so long till I write my next article (but I’m not making any promises). Until then however, stay safe.



Dominic Burford

A father, cyclist, vegetarian, atheist, geek and multiple award winning technical author. Loves real ale, fine wine and good music. All round decent chap.